India, o superputere economica, IT, nucleara, militara, spatiala etc. etc.
The Republic of India is a country that occupies a greater part of the Indian subcontinent. It borders Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwest, the People's Republic of China, Nepal, and Bhutan in the north, and Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east. India's coastline stretches for over seven thousand kilometers.
Its neighbours in the Indian Ocean are the island nations of the Maldives in the southwest, Sri Lanka in the south, and Indonesia in the southeast.
India is the second most populated country in the world,
with a population of over one billion and is the seventh largest country
by geographical area.
It is a constitutional republic consisting of twenty eight states and seven union territories. The word India derives from the Old Persian cognate for the Sanskrit word Sindhu, the Indus river. The Constitution of India also recognizes Bhārat listen as an official name with equal status.
A centre of important historic trade routes, India is the home to some of the most ancient civilisations. India is the birthplace to four major world religions: Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Hinduism. It also has the largest Muslim population in the world before Indonesia and Pakistan. Hinduism is the major religion followed in India .
India is a secular country. India was a former colony of the British Empire under the British Raj before gaining independence on 15 August 1947. The country has witnessed significant economic and military growth after the liberalization of the Indian economy.
India is also well-known for upholding the concept of peace, as was demonstrated by its peaceful method of freedom struggle.
Donald Trump, vedea inca din 2006 ascensiunea fulminanta a Indiei,
in detrimentul marilor puteri economice ale lumii: SUA, China, Federatia Rusa, Marea Britanie sau Germania. Trump spune ca a facut un drum in India in 2005 si, incantat de ce a vazut acolo, s-a documentat si a descoperit multe lucruri interesante,
care vor face din acest popor cel mai important in urmatorii 5-10 ani,
in jurul caruia se vor invarti stapanii actuali ai lumii!
Iata cateva dintre argumentele interesante gasite de Trump:
- India este cea mai mare si cea mai veche civilizatie neintrerupta;- India nu a invadat niciodata un alt stat;
- India are cea mai mare democratie din lume;
- India e unul dintre putinele state din lume care si-a castigat independenta fara violenta;
- Arta navigatiei s-a nascut pe raul Sindh acum 6.000 de ani;
- Sanscrita este mama tuturor limbilor europene;
- India a fost cea mai bogata tara din lume pana in secolul al XVII-lea, cand a fost invadata de englezi;
- Sahul a fost inventat in India;
- India a inventat sistemul numerelor. Albert Einstein a spus: "Datoram mult indienilor care ne-au invatat sa numaram, lucru fara de care nu s-ar fi facut nicio descoperire stiintifica importanta";
- Algebra, trigonometria si analiza matematica isi au originea in India;
- Valoarea lui "pi" a fost pentru prima data calculata de matematicianul Budhayana si tot el a explicat conceptul a ceea ce stim ca este "teoria lui Pitagora", in secolul VI, adica cu mult, mult inainte.
Tot respectul meu, al tuturor romanilor!
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